Wow! So much in this post. A new project. Congratulations. Coming to grips with the irregular muse and being at peace with that. Noteworthy. And an outline! Do you experience new discoveries that aren't in your outline as you're writing? You must. I've found my writers group really helps. 2500 words reviewed thoughtfully every week. Two writers read each week. Forces some discipline. Of course, I don't have kids at home or a day job...Amazing you did all that and wrote a book at the same time.

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Thank you! Yes, I tend to very (VERY) roughly outline the general flow of the book first, and then I tend to venture way off path! Sometimes in wonderful ways that are worth it, sometimes in ways that end up on the cutting-room floor :)

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Your ability to turn thoughts into actual clever words , sentences and stories is a beautiful process. Thanks for opening up and sharing this transformation with us .💙💙💙

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